How to Spot a Good Client/Project on Upwork

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One of the most common questions freelancers ask is, “How do I spot a quality project or client on Upwork?”

Identifying high-quality clients and projects is crucial to building a successful freelance career.

With the right approach, you can avoid wasting time on low-value opportunities and focus on clients who are serious about hiring and paying for your services.

In this article, i’ll share the key indicators that can help you spot quality clients and projects on Upwork, ensuring that your time and skills are well-compensated.

If you’re just starting out, you might want to check this step by step guide to kickstart your freelance career ➡️ “How to Start Freelancing in 2024-25“.

1: Feedback Rating and Client Reviews

Feedback ratings are one of the most reliable indicators of a quality client on Upwork.

A client with a high feedback rating (generally 4.5 stars or above) is more likely to be reliable, professional, and respectful towards freelancers.

These ratings are given by other freelancers who have worked with the client, providing valuable insights into their behaviour and payment reliability.

When reviewing a potential project, take note of the client’s overall rating—this is your first clue as to whether or not they are a good fit for you.

good client

Reading Feedback Comments

While the star rating gives you a quick snapshot, the real value lies in the feedback comments.

Take the time to read through what other freelancers have said about their experiences with the client.

Look for patterns—if multiple freelancers mention issues such as late payments, poor communication, or unrealistic expectations, these are red flags.

Conversely, positive comments about prompt payments, clear communication, and fair treatment can reassure you that this client is worth pursuing.

If you’re struggling to get more clients on Upwork, you may be interested in this in-depth guide on “Best Freelance Websites to get MORE clients in 2024-25“.

2: Amount Spent to Date

The amount a client has spent on Upwork can be a strong indicator of their seriousness and commitment to hiring freelancers.

Clients who have spent a significant amount on the platform are likely to be repeat customers who value the services they receive.

This spend history not only shows that they have the budget to pay for your work but also that they are experienced in working with freelancers, which can lead to smoother project management.

Evaluating Spending Patterns

When evaluating a client’s spend history, look beyond just the total amount spent. Consider how they have distributed their spending across different projects.

spot a good client on upwork

For instance, if a client has spent a substantial amount on projects similar to the one you’re interested in, it suggests they are willing to pay well for your expertise.

Additionally, check the average hourly rate they’ve paid for similar work—this can give you a better idea of whether their budget aligns with your rates.

3: Number of Hires vs. Projects Posted

A key metric to consider when evaluating a potential client is the ratio of hires to projects posted.

A client who consistently hires freelancers for the projects they post is likely to be serious about finding the right talent.

On the other hand, if a client has posted numerous projects but has hired very few freelancers, it could indicate indecisiveness, unrealistic expectations, or even potential scams.

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Identifying Red Flags

Clients who post many projects but rarely hire may be using the platform to gather ideas or conduct market research without the intention of hiring.

Be cautious of such clients, as they can waste your time with extensive negotiations or disappear after initial discussions.

Always weigh the risks before applying to projects from clients with a low hire-to-project ratio.

4: Verified Payment Method and Enterprise Clients

A verified payment method is crucial for ensuring that you get paid for your work.

Upwork provides payment protection for both hourly and fixed-price contracts, but this protection only applies if the client has a verified payment method.

Here’s an example of an unverified payment method. I would never apply for this kind of job.

Working with clients who have unverified payment methods can leave you vulnerable to non-payment, as Upwork cannot enforce payments from unverified accounts.

Before accepting any contract, always check that the client’s payment method is verified.

Benefits of Working with Enterprise Clients

Upwork Enterprise clients are typically larger organizations with significant hiring needs and budgets.

These clients are vetted by Upwork, and working with them can offer a more secure and professional experience.

Enterprise clients often have more substantial projects and longer-term contracts, making them ideal for freelancers seeking stable and well-paying work.

Additionally, the risk of encountering scams is much lower with Enterprise clients.

5: Client’s Average Hourly Rate Paid

Reviewing the Client’s Payment History

When evaluating a project, it’s helpful to review the client’s payment history, particularly the average hourly rate they’ve paid for similar work.

This information can be found in the feedback section of the client’s profile. By comparing the rates they’ve paid to other freelancers, you can gauge whether the client’s budget aligns with your expectations.

If a client consistently pays lower rates than what you typically charge, it might be worth considering whether the project is financially viable for you.

Benchmarking Against Industry Standards

In addition to reviewing the client’s average hourly rate, it’s essential to benchmark these rates against industry standards.

This helps you determine if the project is worth your time and expertise. If the client’s rates are significantly below industry standards, it may be a sign that they are not willing to pay fairly for quality work.

In such cases, consider whether the opportunity is worth pursuing or if your time would be better spent applying to projects with higher-paying clients.

6: Client and Project Badges

Upwork uses badges to help freelancers identify clients and projects that are more likely to lead to successful engagements.

Badges such as Upwork Plus, Upwork Enterprise, and Featured Jobs indicate that the client has a paid subscription or has been recognized by Upwork for their hiring practices.

These badges are a strong indicator of high client intent and suggest that the client is serious about finding the right talent for their projects.

Prioritizing Badged Projects

When choosing between multiple opportunities, consider prioritizing projects with these badges.

Clients with these badges are often more experienced in working with freelancers and have a higher likelihood of paying well and managing projects professionally.

By focusing on badged projects, you can increase your chances of securing quality work with reliable clients.

7: Alignment of Job Post with Your Skills

One common mistake freelancers make is applying to projects where the required skills do not closely align with their profile.

Clients are more likely to hire freelancers whose profiles match the skills and experience listed in the job post. Before applying, ensure that your profile’s skills, overview, and portfolio are aligned with the job requirements.

This not only increases your chances of being hired but also helps you secure projects that are within your expertise.

Once you’ve learned to spot a good project, the next step is to apply for the job. To win jobs on Upwork, you must write a Job-Winning Proposal to attract the client.

Adjusting Your Profile for Better Matches

To improve your chances of landing quality projects, consider adjusting your profile’s skill tags and overview to better match the skills sought by high-quality clients.

Regularly updating your profile to reflect your latest skills and experience will also help you appear in more relevant searches.

You must read this guide if you’re looking to learn more about the “Most In-Demand Freelance Skills in 2024-2025.

By aligning your profile with the types of projects you want to attract, you can increase your visibility and appeal to quality clients on Upwork.

Taking the time to research and evaluate potential clients and projects is crucial for building a successful freelance career on Upwork.

By being selective about the opportunities you pursue, you can avoid low-value projects and focus on work that is rewarding both professionally and financially.

Start applying these strategies in your Upwork searches today.

By focusing on quality indicators and aligning your profile with high-value opportunities, you can increase your chances of landing successful and lucrative projects with reliable clients.

Take the time to evaluate each opportunity carefully, and remember that the right client can make all the difference in your freelance career.


1. How Do I Find Good Clients on Upwork?

Finding good clients on Upwork involves a combination of research, attention to detail, and strategic bidding:

  • Review Client Profiles: Before applying to a job, take time to review the client’s profile. Look for a verified payment method, a solid hiring history, and positive feedback from other freelancers. Clients with a history of consistent, positive feedback are generally more reliable.
  • Analyze Job Postings: Good clients often post clear, detailed job descriptions that outline the scope of work, expectations, and budget. Avoid clients who provide vague descriptions or seem unsure of what they need.
  • Focus on Clients with Realistic Budgets: Clients who understand the value of quality work will set a budget that reflects the scope and complexity of the project. Unrealistically low budgets can be a red flag for difficult clients.
  • Check Client’s Hiring Rate: Clients who regularly hire and pay freelancers indicate a consistent need for freelance work and a reliable payment history.
  • Start with Small Projects: If you’re unsure about a client, start with a small project. This allows you to assess their communication style, expectations, and reliability before committing to larger jobs.

2. How to Know Legit Clients on Upwork?

To identify legitimate clients on Upwork:

  • Verified Payment Method: Always check if the client has a verified payment method. This ensures that Upwork can process payments, and you’re covered by Upwork’s payment protection.
  • Read Client Reviews: Look at the feedback left by other freelancers. Consistent positive reviews are a strong indicator of a legitimate client who respects the freelancer’s work and pays on time.
  • Clear Communication: Legitimate clients will communicate clearly and professionally. Be cautious of clients who are vague about project details or who pressure you into quick decisions without enough information.
  • Avoid Free Work Requests: Be wary of clients who ask for unpaid sample work. Legitimate clients understand the value of your time and expertise and should be willing to compensate you fairly for your efforts.

3. How Do I Find the Best People on Upwork?

If you’re looking to collaborate with top freelancers on Upwork or to hire them:

  • Use Upwork’s Search Filters: Utilize Upwork’s advanced search filters to find freelancers with high ratings, relevant skills, and completed jobs similar to what you need.
  • Check for Top-Rated Badges: Freelancers with “Top Rated” or “Top Rated Plus” badges have consistently delivered excellent work and have strong client feedback. These badges can be a quick way to identify reliable professionals.
  • Review Portfolios and Case Studies: Top freelancers often have well-curated portfolios showcasing their best work. Review these examples to gauge the quality of their work and see if it aligns with what you need.
  • Read Client Testimonials: Testimonials from other clients can provide insights into the freelancer’s reliability, communication skills, and ability to deliver results.

4. How to Target Clients on Upwork?

To effectively target clients on Upwork:

  • Specialize Your Profile: Tailor your profile to highlight specific skills and industries. Specialized profiles can help you appear in more relevant searches, attracting clients who need your particular expertise.
  • Use Relevant Keywords: Incorporate keywords that potential clients might use to search for freelancers with your skills. This helps your profile rank higher in search results.
  • Customize Your Proposals: When submitting proposals, personalize them to address the specific needs of the client. Show that you understand their project and explain how your skills can provide the solutions they’re looking for.
  • Leverage Upwork’s Boosted Proposals: Upwork’s Boosted Proposals feature allows you to increase the visibility of your proposals in competitive job postings, helping you stand out to targeted clients.
  • Engage with Clients Through Upwork Messages: If a client views your profile or invites you to a job, respond promptly and professionally. Effective communication can help you convert views and invitations into contracts.

5- What Are the Key Indicators of a Good Client on Upwork?

Several key indicators can help you identify a good client on Upwork:

  • Positive Feedback Rating: Clients with consistently high ratings (4.5 stars or above) are generally reliable and professional.
  • Verified Payment Method: A verified payment method ensures that the client is serious about the project and that you will be paid for your work.
  • Clear Project Description: Good clients provide detailed, clear, and realistic project descriptions, helping you understand the scope of work and expectations.
  • Reasonable Budget and Deadlines: A good client sets a budget that reflects the complexity of the project and provides a reasonable timeline for completion.
Umair Latif

Umair Latif is a Top Rated Plus freelancer on Upwork. With a deep passion for blogging & content creation, he loves to share insights & experiences from his journey in the digital world. He’s dedicated to explore the latest AI tools, online money-making strategies, and the best digital resources to succeed online.

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